Moai SDK  1.5 revision 1 (MoaiEdition)
MOAIPartition Class Reference

Inherits MOAILuaObject.

List of all members.

Function List


Function Documentation

Remove all props from the partition.

function clear ( MOAIPartition self )
self ( MOAIPartition )

Inserts a prop into the partition. A prop can only be in one partition at a time.

function insertProp ( MOAIPartition self, MOAIProp prop )
self ( MOAIPartition )
prop ( MOAIProp )

Returns the prop with the highest priority that contains the given world space point.

function propForPoint ( MOAIPartition self, number x, number y, number z [, number sortMode, number xScale, number yScale, number zScale, number priorityScale ] )
self ( MOAIPartition )
x ( number )
y ( number )
z ( number )
sortMode ( number ) Optional. One of the MOAILayer sort modes. Default value is SORT_PRIORITY_ASCENDING.
xScale ( number ) Optional. X scale for vector sort. Default value is 0.
yScale ( number ) Optional. Y scale for vector sort. Default value is 0.
zScale ( number ) Optional. Z scale for vector sort. Default value is 0.
priorityScale ( number ) Optional. Priority scale for vector sort. Default value is 1.
prop ( MOAIProp )

Returns the prop closest to the camera that intersects the given ray.

function propForRay ( MOAIPartition self, number x, number y, number z, number xdirection, number ydirection, number zdirection )
self ( MOAIPartition )
x ( number )
y ( number )
z ( number )
xdirection ( number )
ydirection ( number )
zdirection ( number )
prop ( MOAIProp )

Returns all props under a given world space point.

function propListForPoint ( MOAIPartition self, number x, number y, number z [, number sortMode, number xScale, number yScale, number zScale, number priorityScale ] )
self ( MOAIPartition )
x ( number )
y ( number )
z ( number )
sortMode ( number ) Optional. One of the MOAILayer sort modes. Default value is SORT_NONE.
xScale ( number ) Optional. X scale for vector sort. Default value is 0.
yScale ( number ) Optional. Y scale for vector sort. Default value is 0.
zScale ( number ) Optional. Z scale for vector sort. Default value is 0.
priorityScale ( number ) Optional. Priority scale for vector sort. Default value is 1.

Returns all props under a given world space point.

function propListForRay ( MOAIPartition self, number x, number y, number z, number xdirection, number ydirection, number zdirection [, number sortMode, number xScale, number yScale, number zScale, number priorityScale ] )
self ( MOAIPartition )
x ( number )
y ( number )
z ( number )
xdirection ( number )
ydirection ( number )
zdirection ( number )
sortMode ( number ) Optional. One of the MOAILayer sort modes. Default value is SORT_KEY_ASCENDING.
xScale ( number ) Optional. X scale for vector sort. Default value is 0.
yScale ( number ) Optional. Y scale for vector sort. Default value is 0.
zScale ( number ) Optional. Z scale for vector sort. Default value is 0.
priorityScale ( number ) Optional. Priority scale for vector sort. Default value is 1.

Returns all props under a given world space rect.

function propListForRect ( MOAIPartition self, number xMin, number yMin, number xMax, number yMax [, number sortMode, number xScale, number yScale, number zScale, number priorityScale ] )
self ( MOAIPartition )
xMin ( number )
yMin ( number )
xMax ( number )
yMax ( number )
sortMode ( number ) Optional. One of the MOAILayer sort modes. Default value is SORT_NONE.
xScale ( number ) Optional. X scale for vector sort. Default value is 0.
yScale ( number ) Optional. Y scale for vector sort. Default value is 0.
zScale ( number ) Optional. Z scale for vector sort. Default value is 0.
priorityScale ( number ) Optional. Priority scale for vector sort. Default value is 1.

Removes a prop from the partition.

function removeProp ( MOAIPartition self, MOAIProp prop )
self ( MOAIPartition )
prop ( MOAIProp )

Reserves a stack of levels in the partition. Levels must be initialized with setLevel (). This will trigger a full rebuild of the partition if it contains any props.

function reserveLevels ( MOAIPartition self, number nLevels )
self ( MOAIPartition )
nLevels ( number )

Initializes a level previously created by reserveLevels (). This will trigger a full rebuild of the partition if it contains any props. Each level is a loose grid. Props of a given size may be placed by the system into any level with cells large enough to accommodate them. The dimensions of a level control how many cells the level contains. If an object goes off of the edge of a level, it will wrap around to the other side. It is possible to model a quad tree by initializing levels correctly, but for some simulations better structures may be possible.

function setLevel ( MOAIPartition self, number levelID, number cellSize, number xCells, number yCells )
self ( MOAIPartition )
levelID ( number )
cellSize ( number ) Dimensions of the layer's cells.
xCells ( number ) Width of layer in cells.
yCells ( number ) Height of layer in cells.

Selects the plane the partition will use. If this is different from the current plane then all non-global props will be redistributed. Redistribution works by moving all props to the 'empties' cell and then scheduling them all for a dep node update (which refreshes the prop's bounds and may also flag it as global).

function setPlane ( MOAIPartition self, number planeID )
self ( MOAIPartition )
planeID ( number ) One of MOAIPartition::PLANE_XY, MOAIPartition::PLANE_XZ, MOAIPartition::PLANE_YZ. Default value is MOAIPartition::PLANE_XY.