Moai SDK
1.5 revision 1 (MoaiEdition)
Computes a camera fitting for a given world rect along with an optional screen space padding. To do a fitting, compute the world rect based on whatever you are fitting to, use this method to get the fitting, then animate the camera to match.
function getFitting ( MOAILayer self, number xMin, number yMin, number xMax, number yMax [, number xPad, number yPad ] )
self | ( MOAILayer ) |
xMin | ( number ) |
yMin | ( number ) |
xMax | ( number ) |
yMax | ( number ) |
xPad | ( number ) Optional. |
yPad | ( number ) Optional. |
Returns the partition (if any) currently attached to this layer.
function getPartition ( MOAILayer self )
self | ( MOAILayer ) |
Return the scalar applied to axis sorts.
function getSortScale ( MOAILayer2D self )
self | ( MOAILayer2D ) |
Sets a Box2D world for debug drawing.
function setBox2DWorld ( MOAILayer self, MOAIBox2DWorld world )
self | ( MOAILayer ) |
world | ( MOAIBox2DWorld ) |
Sets a camera for the layer. If no camera is supplied, layer will render using the identity matrix as view/proj.
function setCamera ( MOAILayer self [, MOAICamera camera ] )
self | ( MOAILayer ) |
camera | ( MOAICamera ) Optional. Default value is nil. |
function setCamera ( MOAILayer self [, MOAICamera2D camera ] )
self | ( MOAILayer ) |
camera | ( MOAICamera2D ) Optional. Default value is nil. |
Sets a Chipmunk space for debug drawing.
function setCpSpace ( MOAILayer self, MOAICpSpace space )
self | ( MOAILayer ) |
space | ( MOAICpSpace ) |
Sets the parallax scale for this layer. This is simply a scalar applied to the view transform before rendering.
function setParallax ( MOAILayer self [, number xParallax, number yParallax, number zParallax ] )
self | ( MOAILayer ) |
xParallax | ( number ) Optional. Default value is 1. |
yParallax | ( number ) Optional. Default value is 1. |
zParallax | ( number ) Optional. Default value is 1. |
Sets a partition for the layer to use. The layer will automatically create a partition when the first prop is added if no partition has been set.
function setPartition ( MOAILayer self, MOAIPartition partition )
self | ( MOAILayer ) |
partition | ( MOAIPartition ) |
Set the sort mode for rendering.
function setSortMode ( MOAILayer self, number sortMode )
self | ( MOAILayer ) |
Set the scalar applied to axis sorts.
function setSortScale ( MOAILayer self [, number x, number y, number z, number priority ] )
self | ( MOAILayer ) |
x | ( number ) Optional. Default value is 0. |
y | ( number ) Optional. Default value is 0. |
z | ( number ) Optional. Default value is 0. |
priority | ( number ) Optional. Default value is 1. |
Set the layer's viewport.
function setViewport ( MOAILayer self, MOAIViewport viewport )
self | ( MOAILayer ) |
viewport | ( MOAIViewport ) |
Project a point from window space into world space and return a normal vector representing a ray cast from the point into the world away from the camera (suitable for 3D picking).
function wndToWorld ( MOAILayer self, number x, number y, number z )
self | ( MOAILayer ) |
x | ( number ) |
y | ( number ) |
z | ( number ) |