Moai SDK  1.5 revision 1 (MoaiEdition)
MOAIDialogAndroid Class Reference

Inherits MOAIGlobalClass< TYPE, SUPER >.

List of all members.

Function List


Function Documentation

Show a native dialog to the user.

function showDialog ( string title, string message, string positive, string neutral, string negative, boolean cancelable [, function callback ] )
title ( string ) The title of the dialog box. Can be nil.
message ( string ) The message to show the user. Can be nil.
positive ( string ) The text for the positive response dialog button. Can be nil.
neutral ( string ) The text for the neutral response dialog button. Can be nil.
negative ( string ) The text for the negative response dialog button. Can be nil.
cancelable ( boolean ) Specifies whether or not the dialog is cancelable
callback ( function ) Optional. A function to callback when the dialog is dismissed. Default is nil.